Those who lose Dreaming are lost.
Aboriginal Proverb

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Made for Something Greater

Galatians 4:28
Now you brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise.

   I am a child of a promise that God spoke into Abraham long ago. God made all of us for something greater and his desire is for us to discover what we were made for and to live in the promise that we are part of. I was not meant to live a mundane life and neither were you, God has called us all to live an extra ordinary life and to challenge the status quo of our daily lives. This concept really hit home for me as I was watching The Hobbit and how Bilbo was going to miss out on a grand adventure because he was comfortable in his little hobbit life but when he decided to challenge the status quo of life and go places he never imagined his world view was changed and he changed the course of history because he was willing to be someone greater. We are all made for something greater we just have to be willing to take that adventure and be willing to possibly change the course of history. Everything you have experienced in life has been preparing you for that moment when you, like Bilbo, will be ready to sign that contract and go on an adventure. I am reminded daily that my God is good but that he calls me to live dangerously for him and that he is leading me to something greater and because I am a child of a promise I know I am safe in his hands. God longs for us to be everything he is preparing us to be and sometimes it may feel like we are being put through that refining fire but he knows that when we come through the other side that it is the fire that will be burning inside of us and that we can be a light for the dark world. We can become world changers when we decide to search out our life purpose and when we begin to realize we were made for something greater and that God has already spoken a promise into our life and we must walk in that promise. 


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