Those who lose Dreaming are lost.
Aboriginal Proverb

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How ISU Encourages Students to be Involved with Activities on Campus

When I first thought about a topic to research I thought about researching the reasons why students do not seem to attend on campus events but as I started my research I was lead into a slightly different path. I found in my research that the school seems to recognize the lack of student involvement and they are putting forth great effort to encourage students to be more involved with activities and events on campus. 

I decided to focus on the student organizations on campus that support student activity on campus. The two main student organizations on campus are the SAB and UPC. The SAB is the Student Activities Board and they consist of 8 student members and the   events they organize are Bingo, Service Saturdays, Family game night, Bengal Wednesdays. The UPC is the Union Program Council and they consist of 5 student members and the events they organize are Tuesday Tunes, Monday night football, ISU’s got talent, Rock the Quad. In my findings I was surprised to find out how many students did not realize that there were so many events provided on campus for students. 

In my interview with the SAB I asked what events get the best turn outs and they told me the traditional events that offer free food and free prizes. I went to one of these traditional events just to see how many students would participate and I was shocked to see the venue completly full. This event was ISU's Got Talent, it was a great show and it had a great turn out plus it had free food, free prizes for the students. UPC had organized this event and they had only planned for 250 but 350 came, I think this shows just how well ISU is encouraging students to be involved with events on campus. 

Marketing to students is also a major factor in getting them to participate in events. The main was SAB markets to students is by posters, rat cards, and personally handed out flyers. SAB said that the personally handed out flyers is what seems to work best and I also interviewed a student that said she prefers the handed out flyers as well.

ISU is a great place to get an education but college is a time to have experiances and make lifetime friends so if you are not involved with activities on campus I would encourage you to be involved and go out and have a great time!

Michaela Ghent
english 3308
prof. Debra Shien

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