Those who lose Dreaming are lost.
Aboriginal Proverb

Friday, February 3, 2012

For He Delights in Me

I just completed reading through the book of Psalms and I love the entire book but one passage has adhered itself to my mind and I thought it was something I needed to share. Psalm 147:10-11 His pleasure is not in the strenghth of the horse, nor His delight in the legs of man; the Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love.

I must say that this has been a very long and tireing week and I was starting to feel weak and maybe alittle insignificant, but after I read this passage I realized that God delights in me. We often times think that because we are not as magestic as a horse or as strong or as smart some human beings that we are some how less or insignificant in the sight of others. The verse says that the Lord delights in those who fear Him and who put their hope in Him, that means He delights in me!

Now, I will never be as strong as a horse but the awesome wonder of it all is I do not have to be, God loves and delights in me just the way I am and I know that if I put my hope in His unfailing love he will provide me with the strength and power I need to keep moving forward. And as David so often proclaims in his psalms of praise, Praise the Lord!

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