Those who lose Dreaming are lost.
Aboriginal Proverb

Monday, September 9, 2013

A Rendered Heart

Joel 2:12-14
"Even now", declares the Lord, "return to me with all your heart, with fasting, weeping, and mourning". Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and He relents from sending calamity. Who knows? He may turn and have pity and leave behind a blessing- grain offerings and drink offerings for the Lord your God.

   There is a saying that says to "follow your heart" but God ask us to surrender our hearts to Him and to follow His heart and not our own. This concept is difficult for us humans, to rend our hearts and to place our fragile and sometimes broken hearts into the hands of the potter. We like to keep our hearts hidden deep behind our rib cage and not allow it out of this protective cage but we must remember that our hearts are not our own and we must return our heart back to the maker of it, so that we may learn to follow His loving and compassionate heart to a place of wonderful blessings.  God does not ask us to rend our hearts to cause us pain, though it will be painful at first, He ask us to rend our hearts in order to give us something better. He ask us to surrender the most precious part of ourselves so we may know His crazy amazing love for us. He knows that once we choose to give Him our heart we can have the fullness of His love because we no longer have our selfish heart holding us back and therefore we can become captivated by His heart. We become this beautiful mess when we rend our heart and the more imperfect we are the more worthy and perfect we become to the heart of God. God desires our shattered hearts and He longs to embrace our brokenness so we may know His abounding love.

 Surrendering your heart to God is terrifying because once He has it He has the power of a potter to mold and shape your heart however He wants. God loves to wreck our lives and take our hearts to places we may have never thought but He always creates something beautiful and He never makes mistakes so you know your heart is safe in His hands. God may relent form sending calamity but He will not relent when pursuing your heart. God wants you to offer up you heart to Him, He wants you to rend it and release it out from behind it's cage. Another sayings says " Love isn't love until you give it away" so give your heart to God and He will fill that empty spot with a deeper love than you could ever image.

I have decided to have a completely rendered heart and to be captivated by the heart of God and to allow His heart to beat for mine.