Those who lose Dreaming are lost.
Aboriginal Proverb

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Beautiful Endings Leave Hope for Blessed Beginings

When this summer began I had high hopes of it being a great summer. My plans were to get a job and to start working right away, I was also looking forward to a fantastic 21st birthday, and just relaxing and creating great memories with my family. Well, despite my job searching efforts I did not find a job and my 21st birthday did not bring great joy but instead heartach, my beloved dog that had been by my side for 13 years passed away. I guess you could say my summer has been filled with beautiful endings, though it has been just recently that I have been able to see the beauty admist the heartach. 

My sister will be graduating from highschool this year as well, another ending that is hard to grasp it seems like yesterday that I was holding my baby sister and singing fuzzy wazzy. Another death brought great pain to our family, my sisters dog got mysteriously sick and also died. This is the first time in our lives without a dog in our home. My Aunt and Uncle just ended 30 years of living in California and moved to Michigan to start an new dream and a new journey into retirement. It has been difficult knowing they are no longer next door. 

My step dad Victor also had an ending in his life, the engine of his ford focus decided it had had enough and it gave out. Which left us with one vehicle, we managed though it was not pleasant. My mom also had an ending in her life this summer, she graduated from college again and now has a degree in counsiling. 

All summer I have had the words of a song stuck in my mind it says " Isn't beautiful the way we fall apart" and I can say I have had many days this summer of falling apart and thinking that it would not get better but I have come to realize that the end is beautiful because it gives hope of a blessed and new begining. I do not know what God has planned for the future but I know that it will be great and he has allowed these endings in my life so that he can create new and beautiful beginings and I can already see the horizen of the new beginings and it makes me excited to start the new chapter in God's amazing story.

Joshua 23:14
You know with all your heart and soul that not one of the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed. 
