Those who lose Dreaming are lost.
Aboriginal Proverb

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Learning and Leaning

I have come to find that life is a constant learning and leaning process. God is always giving me more reasons to learn and lean on Him. I like to be able to plan ahead (way ahead) for things in the future but most of the plans I have made don't seem to work out, then I remember that I did not seek out Gods plan and He has to remind me to follow Him even when I can not see what He is planning. When I finally surrender to Him and put my plans in His hands I have a much more peaceful life.

Each night I must give God my will and each morning I must surrender my everything to Him. I have dreams and goals that I am striving toward and each day I must remember who I am living for and how I can glorify God through everything that I do and not just strive for worldly things. Working as a Salvation Army bell ringer I have learned to bring joy to others through my being thankful for everything I am and have through Jesus Christ, and to remind others to live with a smile on their faces.

God has blessed me so much and I am learning that He is my potter forming me into who He wants me to be and my job is to lean on Him and give him the glory for everything He teaches me even if He doesn't give me plans in advance.I am following my creator one step at a time learning to enjoy each step.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Waiting For Spring

I am now currently in the spring semester of my freshman year at college, Though it seems that spring just does not want to come I am watching and waiting for the sun to come out to greet me. This semester is super busy and is streaching me further than I have been streached before. I am very excited for this spring and can't wait to see what the Lord will do.
I had a wonderful christmas and enjoyed spending it with Aunt Angie and Ulcle Phil and espesially Pilgram. Though I am enjoying college and having many new experiences with new people I am begining to miss home and can't wait to come back this summer, so spring come soon and let me share your Joy with others and bring me closer to home!

Love, Kyla