Those who lose Dreaming are lost.
Aboriginal Proverb

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A New Adventure

The world is full of people who will go their whole lives and not actually live one day. She did not intend on being one of them. WOW! what a crazy month! I have started college at Asbury University and am enjoying every minuet, yes even the school work! I have met new people, some are better than others, made new friends and cought up with old ones. Coming to college has deffently been a new and scary adventure but one I choose to conquor head on. I choose to live my life to it's fullest each day and to enjoy the experiences God puts in my path. I thank my family for being everything to me. They are the best family EVER! I can't wait till I get to see you all again! I thank God for being everything that He is and for sustaining me night and day. Life is crazy but never stop living! Enjoy every second of life and face your challenges head on! I garentee its worth it! ( the best place to learn this leason is in college).

Friday, July 16, 2010

A Prayer

When you lead,dear Lord, I venture out into the great beyond with courage and expectation. A protected cove is safe, but You have called me to live with passoin. I may encounter risks, but I know Your provision and care are enough. Give me hope in Your saving me from storms, climbing moutains before me and finding me when lost.I trust in You and I thank You for the adventures in my life that make me who I am called to be. Make my way purposeful and glorifing to You. Provide me with all I need for the journey- Your pefect Peace, Joy unspeakable, and unwavering Faith.


(from Life Beautiful magazine)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Ocean

I got to see the ocean for the first time in my life. It was beautiful and peaceful. I was in awe to see such powerful but graceful waves rushing to greet me. Katie and I would stand just anticipating the next wave to sweep over our feet. We took many pictures to capture the memories of this new adventure. To finish our evening we had fish in chips,mmmm. It was a great day and I think I would want to vist the ocean again! KyLa

I thank God for all His blessings and for giving
me this life and my family to share it with!

I thank my family for everything they do.
You guys are great! I wouldn't want to share
these adventures with anyone but you!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Have you ever felt like you were waiting forever? In the line at the grocery store or at a trafic light? We have all felt that urge for the bathroom and it seems like you can't find one or when you do it's full. Waiting is never fun. We all hope that when the wait is over there will be a good ending. We are now in the Great month of May. The month that my mother was waiting. Waiting to have a beautiful baby girl! Awaiting the birth of her first child, I am sure seemed like forever. Like at the end of most waits it was wonderful! Now 18 years later, I am waiting to start college. It is exciting and terrifing all at the same time. And for the first time in my life I will be away from the mother who was so patient to wait . In the month we celebrate Mothers Day my mom became a mother, and I gained a life I could have never imagened. So the wait was worth it!
P.S. Thank You God for the Mom You gave to give Life to Me!!!
Michaela Ghent

Friday, April 30, 2010

Some good news!

Happy Friday!! Some good news, I recieved the title for my car in the mail today.... Yeah! It is

now officially mine. Praise God! I can not begin to tell how Great God is and how much I love

Him . He supplies all my needs. I am very excited about startng college this fall! I am going to

Asbury University in KY and am majoring in business. I am excited about starting this new

venture in life and know that God will be with me all the way!